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CODE Represents:

CODEC - Conseil ontarien des directions de l’éducation catholique
CODEP - Conseil ontarien des directions de l’éducation publique
ECCODE – English Catholic Council of Directors of Education
PCODE - Public Council of Ontario Directors of Education

Latest Jobs

Director of Education | Simcoe County District School Board | Apply by: October 4, 2024 | More Information

Director of Education and Foundation Chair | York Catholic District School Board | Apply by: October 4, 2024 | More Information

Education Officer - Computer Studies and Digital Technologies | Ministry of Education | Apply by: October 11, 2024 | More Information

Education Officer - Secondary Mathematics Technologies | Ministry of Education | Apply by: October 11, 2024 | More Information

Student Achievement Officer - K-12 Mathematics | Ministry of Education | Apply by: October 11, 2024 | More Information

Latest Notices

Leaders & Learners Magazine Summer 2024
Leaders & Learners is the official magazine of the Canadian Association of School System Administrators (CASSA).

View or download the Leaders & Learners Magazine Summer 2024 edition.
View or download any of the back issues of the Leaders & Learners Magazine.

Take a Hike Foundation: The search is on for our next Clinical Director.
The Clinical Director is responsible for ensuring that youth served are provided with clinical support in a way that is consistent with the Take a Hike (TAH) Theory of Change and research-based best practices. This is a full time, permanent position located in Vancouver, BC or Toronto, ON (we are flexible and open to part time options with a minimum of 3 days per week) with an ideal start date of June 2024. We offer a salary of 109,000 – 125,000, commensurate with experience, based on a 37.5-hour work week with generous benefits.

For more details see the job posting:

Help pareants, caregiveers and children manage their mental health. Please complete the survey by June 17, 2024
Complete the Ontario Parent/Caregiver Survey on Mental Health and Well-being / Enquête Ontarienne Auprès des Parents ou de Toute Autre Personne Élevant des Enfants
| Download the flyer (PNG Format)

David De Santes

Lesleigh Dye
Chair of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education 2024-25

As the proud director of education for District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1), Lesleigh is entering her eighth year and is delighted to work with an incredible group of staff. Prior to serving in DSB1, she was a supervisory officer with the Rainbow DSB. She has also worked as a system principal in both Ottawa Carleton DSB and Toronto DSB. While in Ottawa, she was part of the first cohort of Student Success Leaders across Ontario.

Lesleigh is passionate about her ongoing learning and is more than halfway through her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in interdisciplinary social research, focusing on the connection between collective leader efficacy and improving student attendance. The student attendance rates in DSB1 are on a steady incline.

As the Chair of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) and of the English Public Council of Ontario Directors of Education (PCODE), Lesleigh represents the interests of K-12 education at the highest tables with the provincial government. She feels passionately about CODE and believes we are stronger together. Lesleigh is also fortunate to serve on the Ontario Public Supervisory Officers’ Association (OPSOA) Board as well as the Board of Contact North.

Lesleigh has previously taught the Supervisory Officers’ Qualification Program (SOQP) and is now delighted to be invited as a speaker for various modules. Lesleigh loves to listen and learn from others across the province.

Lesleigh has an incredible life partner and they share a home on the West Arm of Lake Nipissing with their amazing rescue dog Matilda. She adores being outside in the sun, rain and snow, reading and connecting with friends.

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Lesleigh Dye
Présidente du Conseil des directeurs de l'éducation de l'Ontario 2024-25

En tant que fière directrice de l'éducation du District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1), Lesleigh entame sa huitième année et est ravie de travailler avec un groupe d'employés incroyables. Avant de travailler au DSB1, elle était agente de supervision au Rainbow DSB. Elle a également travaillé comme directrice de système au Ottawa Carleton DSB et au Toronto DSB. À Ottawa, elle a fait partie de la première cohorte de leaders pour la réussite des élèves en Ontario.

Lesleigh est passionnée par son apprentissage continu et est à plus de la moitié de son doctorat en recherche sociale interdisciplinaire, axé sur le lien entre l'efficacité collective des leaders et l'amélioration de l'assiduité des élèves. Le taux d'assiduité des élèves de l'école DSB1 est en constante augmentation.

En tant que présidente du Conseil des directeurs de l'éducation de l'Ontario (CODE) et du Conseil public anglophone des directeurs de l'éducation de l'Ontario (PCODE), Lesleigh représente les intérêts de l'éducation de la maternelle à la 12e année dans les plus hautes sphères du gouvernement provincial. Elle est passionnée par le CODE et croit que nous sommes plus forts ensemble. Lesleigh a également la chance de siéger au conseil d'administration de l'Ontario Public Supervisory Officers' Association (OPSOA) ainsi qu'au conseil d'administration de Contact Nord.

Lesleigh a déjà enseigné le programme de qualification des agents de supervision (SOQP) et est maintenant ravie d'être invitée comme conférencière pour divers modules. Lesleigh aime écouter et apprendre des autres dans toute la province.

Lesleigh a un partenaire de vie incroyable et ils partagent une maison sur le bras ouest du lac Nipissing avec leur incroyable chien de sauvetage Matilda. Elle adore être à l'extérieur, au soleil, sous la pluie et dans la neige, lire et nouer des liens avec ses amis.


CODE’s Statement on the Funding Gap in the 2024-25 Core Education Funding

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), representing the 73 Directors of Education across Ontario’s publicly funded school boards recognizes the significant challenges that school boards are facing in executing balance budgets per Ministry requirements. While CODE supports the new streamlined education grant framework based on government priorities, the overall funding provided to boards in these new grants is insufficient to meet the needs of students.

Download the full statement. (PDF)

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Déclaration de CODE sur l'écart de financement dans le financement de l'éducation de base 2024-25

Le Conseil des directrices et directeurs de l'éducation de l'Ontario (CODE), qui représente les 73 directrices et directeurs de l'éducation des conseils scolaires financés par les deniers publics de l'Ontario, reconnaît les défis importants auxquels les conseils scolaires sont confrontés dans l'exécution de budgets équilibrés conformément aux exigences du ministère. Bien que le CODE soutienne le nouveau cadre rationalisé des subventions à l'éducation basé sur les priorités du gouvernement, le financement global fourni aux conseils dans le cadre de ces nouvelles subventions est insuffisant pour répondre aux besoins des élèves.

Téléchargez l'article complet. (PDF)

CODE Statement on the Ministry of Education’s Updates to Policy Program Memorandum (PPM) 128

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education, representing the 73 Directors of Education across Ontario’s publicly funded school boards, recently learned about the immediate changes to PPM 128 The provincial code of conduct and school board codes of conduct.

Download the full article. (PDF)

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Déclaration du CODE sur les mises à jour de la Note Politique/Programmes (NPP) 128 du ministère de l'Éducation

Le Conseil des directrices et directeurs de l'éducation de l'Ontario, qui représente les 73 directrices et directeurs de l'éducation des conseils scolaires financés par les deniers publics de l'Ontario, a récemment pris connaissance des changements immédiats apportés à la NPP 128, le code de conduite provincial et les codes de conduite des conseils scolaires.

Téléchargez l'article complet. (PDF)

inclusive schools

CODE is proud to recognize the recent appointment of Edith Dumont, former Director of Education, to the role of Lieutenant Governor for Ontario.

CODE est fière de souligner la récente nomination d'Edith Dumont, ancienne directrice de l'éducation, au poste de lieutenant-gouverneur de l'Ontario.


Upholding Human Rights and Restoring Civility in Public Discourse

In recent months, in board rooms across Ontario, Directors of Education and school board staff have been targets of verbal and emotional abuse, threats of violence and other forms of hate resulting from their work in support of the rights and freedoms of all students and staff who identify as 2SLGBTQ+. These expressions of intolerance are often made by adults, including some who are elected officials, while students are advocating for their 2SLGBTQ+ friends, teachers, and family members. The hate and racism displayed in some board rooms come from those who see efforts to protect human rights as ‘woke culture.’

Download the full article. (PDF)

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Défendre les droits de la personne et rétablir la courtoisie dans le discours public

Au cours des derniers mois, dans les salles de conférence de l'Ontario, des directeurs de l'Éducation et des membres du personnel des conseils scolaires ont été la cible de violences verbales et émotionnelles, de menaces de violence et d'autres formes de haine en raison de leur travail en faveur des droits et libertés de tous les élèves et membres du personnel qui s'identifient comme des personnes 2SLGBTQ+. Ces manifestations d'intolérance sont souvent perpétrées par des adultes, dont certains sont des élus, alors que les élèves défendent leurs amis, leurs enseignants et les membres de leur famille qui s'identifient comme 2SLGBTQ+. La haine et le racisme affichés dans certaines salles de réunion proviennent de ceux qui considèrent que les efforts de protection des droits de la personne relèvent d’un mouvement extrémiste axé sur la justice sociale et la défense des minorités.".

Téléchargez l'article complet. (PDF)

CODE was honoured to attend the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Canadian Duke of Edinburgh Awards in Toronto on April 25. CODE Chair, Paul Henry, a Gold level award recipient received his award from Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh at Rideau Hall in 1988. Paul also sits on the Provincial Local Council of the Duke of Edinburgh Award in Canada. Paul and Laura Elliott, ED, CODE also participated in the Non-Formal Educational Summit at the LG's Residence (Queen's Park) on April 25, led by Prince Edward, The Duke of Edinburgh and the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, with the goal of fostering greater involvement of Ontario school boards and students in the award.

CODE a eu l'honneur d'assister à la célébration du 60e anniversaire du Prix du duc d'Édimbourg du Canada à Toronto le 25 avrildernier. Paul E. Henry, président de CODE et récipiendaire du niveau or, a reçu son prix des mains duPrince Edward, le duc d'Édimbourg, à Rideau Hall en 1988. Paul siège également auConseil local provincial du Prix du duc d'Édimbourg au Canada. Paul et Laura Elliott, directrice générale du CODE, ont également participé au Sommet de l'éducationnon-formel qui s'est tenu à laRésidence de la lieutenant-gouverneur de l’Ontario (Queen's Park) le 25 avril, sous la direction deSon Altesse Royale lePrince Edward, le duc d'Édimbourg, et de la lieutenante-gouverneure de l'Ontario, l'Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, dans le but de favoriser une plus grande participation des Conseils scolaires et des élèves de l'Ontario au programme du Prix au Canada.

inclusive schools

inclusive schools

Role of CODE


To lead, influence and build coherence in Ontario’s publicly-funded education system.


The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), listens to and represents the voices and perspectives of Ontario’s 72 school districts. Together we help create the best possible learning conditions for students and staff to reach high levels of achievement and personal well-being. We also implement and influence education policies and priorities and enhance public confidence in publicly-funded schools.


  • ADVOCACY Advocate for continuous improvement in student achievement and well-being through collaborative decision-making with stakeholders and for appropriate funding to maintain the high quality staff and programs necessary for increased student success.
  • LEADERSHIP Enhance members’ leadership through networking, mentorship, professional dialogue and professional learning.
  • EQUITY & INCLUSION Advance equity and inclusion in school districts to enable change in society.



CODE will award 4 scholarships annually in support of student success and in recognition of the contributions of Frank Kelly to the Council of Ontario Directors of Education and public education.

A scholarship will be awarded to a student from each of the 4 boards of the CODE affiliate chairs (or an alternate board within the affiliate).

Criteria for the scholarship:

  • Graduating student
  • Has earned at least 1 dual credit
  • Proceeding to an Ontario College
  • Financial need could be a consideration

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CODE accordera quatre bourses d'études par année en appui à la réussite des élèves et en reconnaissance de la contribution de Frank Kelly au Conseil ontarien des directrices et directeurs de l'éducation et à l'éducation publique.

Une bourse d'études sera décernée à un étudiant de chacun des quatre conseils d'administration des présidents des comités affiliés de CODE (ou d'un autre conseil au sein du comité affilié).

Critères d'attribution de la bourse :

  • Étudiant diplômé
  • A obtenu au moins 1 crédit double
  • Se rendre dans un collège de l'Ontario
  • Les besoins financiers pourraient être pris en considération

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Recipients for 2022:









Recipients for 2021: Download in PDF format

Council of Ontario Directors of Education/Conseil ontarien des directions de l’éducation

Statement on Anti-Racism and Inclusion/ Déclaration sur l'antiracisme et l'inclusion

The directors of education in Ontario's 72 publicly funded district school boards are committed to equity and inclusion and the elimination of discrimination and racism in education.

Directors acknowledge that systemic racism, bias and discrimination exists in Ontario and is experienced by students, families and staff in Black, Indigenous and racialized communities. Directors commit to working with their communities to listen for understanding about their lived experiences and the harm caused by racism and to work in their boards to identify and eliminate barriers created by bias and systemic racism.

In particular, directors acknowledge that anti-Black racism exists and are committed to confronting anti-Black racism to ensure that Black students and staff can learn and work in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment.

We must all work together to achieve our vision of a fully inclusive education system.

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Les directeurs de l'éducation des 72 conseils scolaires de district financés par les fonds publics de l'Ontario se sont engagés à assurer l'équité et l'inclusion ainsi que l'élimination de la discrimination et du racisme dans l'éducation.

Les directeurs reconnaissent que le racisme, les préjugés et la discrimination systémiques existent en Ontario et sont vécus par les élèves, les familles et le personnel des communautés noires, autochtones et racialisées. Les directeurs s'engagent à travailler avec leurs communautés pour écouter et comprendre leurs expériences vécues et les préjudices causés par le racisme, et à travailler au sein de leurs conseils scolaires pour identifier et éliminer les obstacles créés par les préjugés et le racisme systémique.

En particulier, les directeurs reconnaissent que le racisme anti-noir existe et s'engagent à lutter contre le racisme anti-noir afin de garantir que les étudiants et le personnel noirs puissent apprendre et travailler dans un environnement sûr, respectueux et inclusif.

Anti-Sex Trafficking Resources

CODE, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and district school boards have prepared resources for the Ministry of Education Anti-Sex Trafficking eCommunity for use by Directors of Education. You will find them on our Current Projects page.

What Are We Learning About Supporting English Language Learners in Ontario?

A 2020 research report examining the implementation of ELL Policies and Procedures (2007)in Ontario publicly funded English-speaking school boards.

This research was supported by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education. Principal Investigator: Dr. Jenni Donohoo, Praxis Engaging Ideas, Inc. Funding for the production of this publication was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Please note that the views expressed in the publication are the views of the Recipient and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ministry of Education. An acknowledgement is made to Sharon Newmaster for her assistance in reviewing the report.

The increasing number of English language learners (ELLs) in Ontario’s elementary and secondary publicly funded schools has been well documented. Ontario is the province of choice for over 50% of newcomers to Canada (Statistics Canada, 2017). As ELLs continue to be a constantly growing demographic, it is vital that school and system leaders and classroom educators develop and implement programs and services needed to meet their unique needs.

The purpose of this study was to describe how components of the ELL Policies and Procedures (2007) are being implemented in publicly funded English-speaking school boards throughout the province.

This project was not intended to be an audit, rather it was intended to describe how educators view, understand, and engage in ELL Policies and Procedures(2007) implementation and to determine what we are learning about supporting English language learners in Ontario’s publicly funded English-speaking schools.

Download the report in PDF format.

CODE Conversations 2021-22

Leadership during a Pandemic

Ontario Directors and Superintendents were invited to participate in online conversations with thought leaders to discuss Leadership during a Pandemic.

Conversation #1 - Dr John Malloy Lessons Learned

Download the flyer (pdf) - Watch the video (MP4)

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CODE Conversations 2020-21

Leadership during a Pandemic

Ontario Directors and Superintendents were invited to participate in an online conversation with Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves to discuss Leadership during a Pandemic. They provided insight and addressed questions from senior leaders from across Ontario.

Conversation 1

Download the flyer (pdf) - Listen to the audio (MP3)
Fullan presentation (pptx) - Hargreaves presentation (pptx)

Conversation 2

Download the flyer (pdf) - Listen to the audio (MP4)

Conversation 3

Download the flyer (pdf) - Watch the video (MP4)

Conversation CODE

Leadership pendant une pandémie

Les directeurs et surintendants de l'Ontario ont été invités à participer à une conversation en ligne avec Michael Fullan et Andy Hargreaves pour discuter du leadership pendant une pandémie. Ils ont fourni des informations et répondu aux questions des hauts dirigeants de l'Ontario.

Conversations 1

Télécharger le dépliant (pdf) - Écouter l'audio (MP3)
Fullan présentation (pptx) - Hargreaves présentation (pptx)

Conversations 2

Télécharger le dépliant (pdf) - Écouter l'audio (MP4)

Conversations 3

Télécharger le dépliant (pdf) - Voir la vidéo (MP4)

inclusive schools

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education is committed to providing professional learning opportunities and building leadership capacity for Directors and Supervisory Officers regarding equity leadership, anti-racism, anti-oppression training and understanding the impact of biases and systemic barriers on decision making.

School board leaders need to have a foundational knowledge that helps them identify their own biases, and how these biases can impact daily decision making and school board processes and practices. To further its ongoing support for equity and inclusion in Ontario schools, CODE is pleased to introduce Strengthening Inclusive Schools: a Guide to Bias-Aware Decision Making and its companion User Guide.

As part of CODE’s ongoing partnership with Ontario school boards and the Ontario Ministry of Education to furthering equitable and inclusive education practices in all schools, this resource was developed by a CODE team of Directors of Education who shared their professional expertise, and supported the development of Strengthening Inclusive Schools: a Guide to Bias-Aware Decision Making. The Guide offers practices, strategies, policies and processes that they have implemented to build positive, engaging, safe, accepting and inclusive schools.

Education leaders hold significant influence over the culture of learning in Ontario school boards, including the capacity to build inclusive and bias-free school communities and lead effective change in these areas. Strengthening Inclusive Schools: a Guide to Bias-Aware Decision Making and its companion User Guide is another vital resource in assisting school and board leaders to continue this important journey.

To download the Strengthening Inclusive Schools: a Guide to Bias-Aware Decision Making and its companion User Guide which are interactive web based resources and include video comments from current Ontario Directors of Education please link to:

Français :

The CODE Consortium for System Leadership and Innovation (CCSLI) releases Hargreaves and Shirley Report - Leading from the Middle: Spreading Learning, Well-being, and Identity Across Ontario.


The purpose of CCSLI is to enhance the educational experiences and outcomes for all students and staff. The Consortium builds connections and mobilizes knowledge among and within school boards, researchers, and the Ministry as well as through partnerships at the provincial and local levels.

Since 2005 CCSLI has represented ten Ontario district school boards that have been involved in this province-wide initiative.

The Consortium held a symposium on November 2, 2017, attended by close to 150 participants to hear about the report from Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley. The report and executive summary are posted on the CODE Consortium web page.

Go to the CCSLI web page to learn more.

Strong Districts and Their Leadership Learning Modules


The pursuit of exemplary leadership practices and improving the learning for all students is the fundamental role of school district leaders.

Quality leadership practices are necessary to support this.

Beginning in the 2012/2013 School Years CODE commissioned Dr. Ken Leithwood to document the qualities and conditions of Strong School Districts.

This was followed up with further work and study in Phase One (2015/2016) and Phase Two (Spring 2016 to present).

Go to the the updated SDL Project page to learn more.

The CODE Student Injury Prevention Initiative

sipi banner

The Ministry of Education (EDU) introduced the Student Injury PreventionInitiative (SIPI) in January 2013. As noted in the Deputy Minister’s June 2016 memo, a “key initial objective of this initiative was to help establish and maintain a culture of safety mindedness in all school boards and schools as well as ensure that student injury prevention and safety is the highest of priorities for all.

Now in Phase Three CODE has a key role in facilitating Phase Three of the SIPI. This phase focuses on ensuring that student injury prevention is approached in a sustained, proactive and systematic way.

Learn More


The Technology and Learning Fund

Makes a Difference for Ontario’s Students

There is no doubt that classrooms and schools in Ontario are changing with the introduction of technology enabled learning and teacher and student innovation. District School Boards are reporting heightened student engagement, deeper learning of 21st Century skills and increases in student achievement. To learn about the exciting changes taking place I encourage you to read the Technology and Learning Newsletters that tell the story of technology changing teacher practice and the growth of 21st Century student learners. Recently posted Newsletter #4 shares board success stories of opportunities to increase student achievement, and includes student and teacher testimonies about the significant impact that technology has on their learning and their life.

Frank Kelly
Executive Director, CODE

On the Technology and Learning Fund site you will find the latest TLF Guides (February 2017), all of the the Newsletters plus Curriculum Services Canada reports and the artefacts developed by the district school boards.

Strengthening Partnerships Between:
CODE and Council of Ontario Medical Officers of Health
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Student well-being "lives" in the context of child and youth well-being and as such, school boards and public health units share in this important mandate. Strong partnerships that focus efforts on strategic priorities can improve health outcomes for children and students, positively affect their achievement and reduce preventable illness and injuries, which in turn will contribute to a healthier and better-educated citizenry.

Working toward these shared mandates and common goals, in October 2013 the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) and the Council of Ontario Medical Officers of Health (COMOH) formed a provincial partnership committee.

Now available: Commmittee Membership List updated August 27, 2020, April 13, 2018 Meeting Notes and the CODE/COMOH Committee's Terms of Reference updated April 2018.

Go to the CODE-COMOH Page to find out more.

Leadership for Learning Academy

The Leadership for Learning Academy is developed in partnership with OCSOA, OPSOA and AGEFO and is intended to provide Ontario Directors and Superintendents with an opportunity to engage in an inquiry based professional learning experience that focus' on system – wide innovation and technology enabled pedagogical practice.

Find out more.

New Equity and Education Web Resource


Responding to requests from school boards for a companion piece that builds on and enhances the information contained in Going Deeper, CODE is pleased to introduce a complementary online component to the Going Deeper rubric. Here you will find practical information, tips, resources and "Look Fors," conveniently broken down into modules reflecting the rubric's eight areas of focus. It's all designed to help guide your board toward effective implementation of Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario's schools.

Visit the Going Deeper web resource at

Equity and Inclusive Education: Going Deeper


"Every student has the opportunity to succeed,
regardless of ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender,
gender identity, language, physical
and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, socio-economic status
or other factors."

(Achieving Excellence, Ministry of Education)

Developed by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), in consultation with a representative group of English- and French-language board system leaders and with support and funding from the Ministry, Equity and Inclusive Education: Going Deeper establishes a set of policy outcomes presented in the form of a Rubric. It is intended to assist and support boards in achieving the best academic and social outcomes among all students. Equity and Inclusive Education: Going Deeper provides an opportunity for boards to look to the future, and take those steps that will support continued implementation in order that all students can reach their full potential, regardless of background or personal circumstances. For more information and to use/download the Rubric.....

More Information and Downloads - Updated on November 27, 2014

Parent Engagement is Important to Student Success

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education is pleased to provide two new resources to support parents.

Update October 2015 - New materials have been developed to assist Parents to inspire their children to learn and love math. (Elementary Grades)

BackParent Engagementground - Several sets of materials have been developed by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Go to the Parent Engagement web page.

Accédez à la page Web la participation des parents

CODE Summer Learning Project

2014 Planning Guide

Summer Learning 2014

CODE has developed a revised Summer Learning Program Planning Guide for district school boards. The Guide offers a brod range of examples and also details deliverables and expectations for summer learning programs.

2014 Planning Guide and more information in English & French

CODE Health & Safety in Schools Project

Health & Safety

As part of the CODE Health and Safety In Schools project and as a support to the Ontario Ministry of Education Student Injury Prevention Initiative a series of student safety resource guides and safety checklists have been developed for student safety in Grade 7 to 12 science labs and technological education facilities.

New: Executive Summary in English & French Posted April 16, 2014.


Other CODE Projects Include:

The Listening Stone Project

The primary goal of Year Four is to increase student well-being and achievement. Read the Year Four Report. Year One, Two and Three are also available.

CODE Summer Learning Project: 2013 Report

CODE with funding from the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat continues to coordinate a summer learning program and research study designed to help primary students close the achievement gap.

CODE Advisories

CODE has developed a series of advisories to assist senior administrators. These brief statements on practical aspects of administration and student learning are concise and based on the experience of practitioners and include a historical and political perspective where needed.


CODE manages the School College Work Initiative (SCWI) which has developed numerous projects across the province and provides forums at the regional level to facilitate pathways for students going to college.


CODE administre l'Initiative de jonction écoles-collèges-milieu de travail (IJECT) comprenant de nombreux projets partout en province incluant des forums régionaux, le tout ayant comme objectif de faciliter l'accès au collège pour les élèves du secondaire.

CODE Past Projects

CODE on its own and in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Education has completed a number of projects focused on specific educational initiatives that are of interest to our membership.